Frequently Asked Questions

 Below are some frequently asked questions and answers that you may find helpful!

  1. How much will my office visit cost?

    $277 for a full comprehensive exam by the Doctor himself and with the full support of office resources. A broad range of concerns may be addressed at each visit, including diagnostics, formulation of a treatment plan, and electronic prescriptions.

  2. will i always see the doctor?

    Yes for all medical and surgical services. We are dedicated to you and your care.


    Yes. We have most, if not all, insurance forms on hand. We will fill them out professionally for you and give them to you before you leave the office. A stamp and a signature are all you need.

  4. do people get reimbursed by their insurance companies?

    It depends on whether you have Out Of Network coverage and a good insurance policy. Our fixed price is overall priced at a 40% discount to what insurers allow. Patients receive anywhere from no payment if they have limited policies, all the way up to twice our fee from good insurance policies.

  5. do i need a referral to see the doctor?

    No. The Doctor takes care of you, not your insurance company.

  6. i need a medication refill, do i need an appointment?

    This will depend on the medication you are taking as well as when your last office visit was. In general, prescription refills are honored for six months from your last office visit with this office. Good medical judgement and NYS law concur on this time frame. We ask that you call your Pharmacy to make an electronic request for refills for processing. Please allow 24-48 hours of processing prescriptions.

  7. can the doctor address each of my concerns at my appointment?

    Yes, the Doctor is independent and he cares about you. He has the time, resources, and expertise to diagnose and treat several conditions at each visit. You receive the care you need and deserve.

  8. at what age should my kids be seen by the doctor?

    Children of family members with atypical moles should start being seen at six (6) years of age. The children should have a complete examination including dermatoscopy.

  9. who needs to see the doctor?

    If you have a skin concern, see the skin Doctor. Simple as that.